DiscoverMe Project™ ADOPTION UPDATES
May 10, 2020
For this Mother’s Day, in addition to all the moms everywhere of every type of ‘kid’ (whether 2- or 4-legged, skinned, furred, feathered, scaled …), we want to give a special shout out to some new FurMoms who’ve welcomed our DiscoverMe Project™ former orphans into their hearts and homes!
Our DiscoverMe Project™ partnership with the San Diego and Orange County shelters has been since mid-March. With our state lockdown and an influx of folks offering a temporary spot for a dog or cat in need, we’ve borrowed 10 dogs and 10 cats from the San Diego County shelters, and we’ve borrowed 8 dogs from OC Animal Care. We helped 6 dogs and 7 cats from SD find adopters while we had them in temp DMP foster care, and 3 dogs were rescued. We helped 4 OC dogs find adopters during the DMP, and 2 OC dogs were rescued. Not bad for a couple months HARD work!! YAYAY for forever families, and long and short term foster care providers!!! This Mother’s Day goes out to YOU!
Here are some happy updates for our most recent group of DiscoverMe Cats and Dogs™. Many of these animals sat in the shelter for a year and didn’t find their match until they joined the DiscoverMe Project™!
Click on each photo to see updates for these sweet furries – Mack, Sweet Tart, Regi, Susie and Chester – who were discovered thanks to the DiscoverMe Project™. Bagel, Garfield, Beck and Izzy have also been adopted and we hope to have updates for those long time shelter residents soon. Woohoo!
Thank you to everyone who makes this partnership possible, starting with our local shelters in OC and SD who were willing to give us a chance via the DMP. Without people raising a hand to offer a temporary foster spot to a dog or cat in need, we wouldn’t be able to showcase these babies . The shares, posts, emails and word of mouth referrals from our followers give each DMP critter a much larger chance of finding their perfect match. Donations from our supporters enable us to provide this service to our communities and their homeless animals. Shelter volunteers, networkers, also our vet teams and trainers, and so many others have all played an integral part of each animal finding a home. Thanks are endless – it truly takes a village for every single animal. Teamwork makes the dream work.
A very special shout out to our behind-the-scenes team who work with our foster homes, who receive and return all of the emails and phone calls and messages about DMP animals who are not even part of our regular rescue. The people who’ve spent hours every day for the last 2 months, morning to midnight, wading through dozens of foster applications, phone interviews, video home visits and so much more. The folks who write bios and make sure these animals are posted on our website and social, and also our Petfinder and many other classified sites. The people who put themselves at risk to pick up for foster, and ultimately deliver these lucky critters to their new forever families. Our team has been tireless in their efforts and devotion to the cause. Extra thanks to Amanda, Melanie, Emily and Bella for you know what Everything!
Congrats to all of these awesome dogs and cats who are now in wonderful forever homes!! Thank you to their families for adopting and saving a life! THIS IS THE BEST!!!
Check out their pics and don’t forget to visit our DiscoverMe Project™ website to see who else is patiently waiting to meet their Forever Future.
ABOUT The DiscoverMe Project™
The DiscoverMe Project™ is a program that allows sheltered dogs and cats from the County of San Diego Department of Animal Services and OC Animal Care to go into temporary 2-week foster care with an approved Wagging Dog Rescue foster home so they can get a break from the stresses of being kenneled while providing mental, emotional and physical relief.
While in foster care, we’re able to learn more about the dog or cat when in a normal home environment, which doesn’t always align with behavior seen in a stressful kennel environment. We share that valuable information with shelter staff and potential adopters in order to aid shelter marketing and adopter selection. Through rigorous marketing and promotion, we ultimately hope not to return the DiscoverMe Dog™ or DiscoverMe Cat™ to the shelter but instead to see that animal safely in the care of a forever family or reputable rescue with a foster care provider.

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