eBay for Charity

Free Ways to Donate to Wagging Dog Rescue

What is eBay for Charity?

Support Wagging Dog Rescue when you shop or sell on eBay. This is made possible by the eBay for Charity program which has helped eBay buyers and sellers donate hundreds of millions of dollars to thousands of charities (and we’re one of them!)

  • MAKE US YOUR FAVORITE! First, personalize your shopping experience to benefit our organization by making us your Favorite charity on eBay. This will help us more than you know.
  • DONATE TO US IN eBAY CHECKOUT: By making us your Favorite, you will automatically see Wagging Dog Rescue as your preferred charity when you buy anything on eBay, making it easy to add $1 or more upon checkout.
  • ARE YOU AN eBAY SELLER? Did you know that you can donate 10-100% of the proceeds to benefit Wagging Dog Rescue through eBay for Charity. You can clean-out your closet and make a little money for you and for your favorite charity. It’s been proven that even donating 10% instills more trust in buyers–they are more likely to choose your product over another and it will sell faster.

    Here are some of the benefits of the program:

    • highlight your listing with the eBay for Charity ribbon
    • eBay will credit back a portion of seller fees (if you donate 20%, eBay credits 20% of the final value fees back to you)
    • all donations are tax deductible (all donations are itemized and reported to you)
    • your charity gets 100% of the donation through the PayPal Giving Fund–no fees